We’re committed to making clothes with a smaller environmental impact in places that treat workers well. So, when it comes to choosing where we make our clothes, we look at a number of different factors - quality, price, speed, reduced environmental impact, and working conditions for the people in the facility. Our partners share a common vision of sustainability, accountability, and transparency. We publish Our Factories list so you can learn more about the factories behind our clothes. Transparency is key to accountability, which is why we disclose 100% of Tier 1 finished goods manufacturers and subcontractors within our supply chain. We have aligned with the Transparency Pledge and are participating in the Open Supply Hub (OS Hub) to expand on the details that are made public so we can be more accountable for the working conditions in our partner factories.

An audit is just a snapshot in time, so we prioritize active continuous improvement, root cause analysis and development of necessary management systems.
We currently require all our direct cut, sew & finish manufacturing partners to adhere to our Code of Conduct and additional policies (basically our requirements for ethical operations), and be monitored for compliance and continuous improvement. Our Code of Conduct references the FLA Workplace Code of Conduct which is based on International Labor Organization (ILO) standards and internationally accepted good labor practices.
We require our Tier 1 and strategic Tier 2 suppliers to participate in independent, third-party social assessments to ensure fair, safe and healthy working conditions throughout our supply chain. Our assessments are conducted not only to help evaluate our supplier’s overall compliance but to also identify progress and stimulate improvement. All substandard audit findings must be remediated in a timely manner.
Our sustainable partners process:
Reformation teams ID a production need and requests a new partner.
Ref reviews the supplier profile, organizes a pre-sourcing and transparency review, and provides our Code of Conduct and additional policies.
Ref requests & arranges a semi-announced audit of the factory by independent and accredited third-party monitoring firms.
Ref discusses the results of the audit with the partner and a Corrective Action Plan form is issued detailing the areas for improvement.
The audit is classified as Green, Yellow, Orange or Red to indicate the compliance status of factory.
Ref and the partner perform concentrated remediation efforts and follow-up audits as required.
Green: |
Yellow: |
Orange: |
Red: |
Facility meets our standards |
Facility has some minor/moderate issues. Corrective Action Plan required. |
Facility has safety, health or labor-related violations of our standards. Corrective Actions and Prevent Actions required. Onsite support visit or follow up assessment required as needed. |
Facility has one or more Zero-Tolerance Violations and/or has failed to remediate major safety, health or labor-related violations. Corrective Actions and Prevent Actions required. Onsite support visit or follow up assessment required as needed. |
California: Assessments are required within a maximum of 6 months.
California: Assessments are required within a maximum of 6 months.
California: Follow-up assessments are required within 1-2 months.
California: Follow-up assessments are required within one month.
Responsible purchasing practices
Reformation expects our suppliers to strive to meet our requirements as well as demonstrate a commitment to our core values of transparency, open and ongoing communication, accountability and continuous improvement. We recognize that this requires a collaborative approach with our suppliers and we are committed to continuously improving our responsible purchasing practices.
In order to better understand our purchasing practices, we have been participating in surveys through the Better Buying initiative since 2019. This allows us to receive anonymous feedback and data-driven insights into our purchasing activities and provides recommendations on improvements.
Worker Voice
Giving workers a voice is integral to empowering employees so that they feel comfortable and confident to raise concerns and address policies without the fear of suffering any prejudice or retaliation of any kind. Workers should know that their feedback is important and that they are heard. Grievance mechanisms are procedures that provide a clear and transparent framework for addressing employee concerns in the workplace. Grievance mechanisms such as suggestion boxes, grievance hotlines, and worker surveys are reviewed during our audits to ensure that functional measures are in place that can demonstrate workers know how to use these procedures, and feel safe and free from potential retaliation if doing so.
* Last updated February 2025